uʍǝldS currently does not have a signature.
Some of your files are outdated!
Click this button to update them (Music and Style data will be lost):
sv_loadingurl "?steamid=%s"
To show this loading screen on your Garry"s Mod Server,
copy this command to your server.cfg or autoexec.cfg.
PHP Check
")) { echo "".phpversion().""; }else{ echo "".phpversion().""; $error = 1; $errorphp = 1; } ?>allow_url_fopen
Enabled"; }else{ $error = 1; $errorfopen = 1; echo "Disabled"; } ?>Conclusion:
The loading screen should work on this server!
Please update your PHP version to 5.1.0 or higher!
Please enable allow_url_fopen!
Please change the password in the config.php file!